Summer Training

Summer Youth Run Training

June 9-July 28, 2023 (8 Weeks)

Registration link

When school ends and the summer begins, it is time to start thinking about summer activities and plans.  For the summer months we want to provide support for young athletes to prepare for their fall sports endeavors.  Whether they have high hopes of State Championships and college scholarships or if they just simply want to push themselves further than they have before, we are there for their training and learning needs. In this program each runner will receive a personal training details suited for their mileage and training needs. Fall improvement is made in the summer and we are excited to help runners take a leap forward in their pre-season training.

In the 8 week session we hope to provide athletes with a solid summer of fun, training, and education that includes more than just direction in their running plan. We also will provide instruction on warm ups, stretching, injury prevention routines, drills and more. Summer is also a great time for learning. Every couple weeks runners will get to hear from coaches and guest speakers on topics like running in college, nutrition, injury prevention, footwear choices and goal setting.


· Proper warm up and cool down routines

· Summer based workouts, Fartleks, hills, tempos and more

· Drills, skills and injury prevention

· Team environment with other runners in the Huntsville metro area

· Running community engagement


We will meet John Hunt Park.  We will send out a weekly newsletter with practice updates.

· Fridays 7:00AM - Huntsville - John Hunt Park

Questions?  Email

Things to bring.....

Water Bottle

Sunscreen (preferably already on)

Proper running attire to include, shorts, shirt, and shoes

A towel or Yoga mat for stretching and plyos

A POSITIVE attitude!